Chick's vent has two red dots and is bleeding


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
Seymour, TN
Hello, I recevied some bantam chicks in the mail Thursday and a couple of them have had pasty butt. I cleaned one of them this morning, and now there are two red dots on its vent, and if I dab it with a wet cottonball there's a little blood on the cottonball. What is it and what should I do? Can chickens get hemeroids?


its booty is wet because I just cleaned it again. It was starting to paste up again :( All i'm using to clean is a cottonball and warm water...
She is probably bleeding due to the pasty butt. The other chicks may have been pecking her behind, as they are attracted to the blood. I believe there is some paste you can get the the farm supply store that will cover the area to prevent the others from pecking the chick. I can't remember the name, but have read about it on this forum. Sorry, for the limited help;( still new to this chicken thing!
I also think that while she is bleeding she needs to be separated from the rest of the chicks.
good idea to seperate her...I hadn't thought of that! Thank you! Hopefully it will heal my morning...I feel so bad for the little thing :(

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