Chicks Wanted North GA or Southeast TN-for next week!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 6, 2009
Menlo, GA
I work for a feed store that was supposed to have an order of chicks in the week of Mar. 29th. That order has been delayed. Does anybody have a large number of chicks due to hatch out around that time that they would be willing to sell at an economical price? Please let me know what breed(s), price, and hatch/pick-up date. Sex-link pullets would be great!
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You need to get a hold of poultrylady in TN. That is her screen name. I know she hatches out a bunch of chicks during this time of year and her stock is so nice. AT least I know the Welsummers are!

Good Luck!
Thank you CountryMom, I appreciate the kind words. I do have alot of chicks hatching out at the end of the month, should be at least 300 to 400 chicks. They are all sold straight run though. There would be alot of Black Australopes, Buff Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans, Roade Island Reds, Different varieties of Polish Tophats, Light Brahmas, Turkens, and maybe some Welsummers (or maybe not , they go real fast). I live in Polk Co. off Hwy. 411, not to far from the Ga. line, maybe 20 miles.
Yes, I agree Poultrylady has great stuff, I've got several birds from her stock and have been very pleased with them. Unfortunately, at the feed store, our customers won't be willing to pay what we would need to make any sort of profit if I pay her price for st. run. By the way, she does have good prices for what she has, but our competition sells pullets for $2.80, so I couldn't come near that. I guess my best bet would be if someone had some sex-link pullets available for $2.00 or less. We aren't looking to make a big profit. we sell chicks to bring in business to the store, but my boss wouldn't be happy with a loss:)

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