Chicks wing just fell off?!?!


Nov 19, 2016
I bought about 50 barred rock chicks from tractor supply a couple of weeks ago. With so many babies that look alike it's been tough to tell them apart, but I did noticed one chick had a wing that was sorta droopy. Then next thing you know there is a random wing just laying in the middle of the pen and 1 chick with only 1 wing! Other than the fact that her wing is missing she seems completely fine but I am truly baffled by this! Any one else ever have this happen before? Should I be worried?
There must have been some injury to that wing/chick, or less likely a deformity. I would find the one winged chick to make sure there is no open wound or any infection, though if there was infection it would probably be acting sick or have died already. If it's healed up then likely it will be fine. It will adapt to having only one wing. It may have more trouble getting up to roosts, so I would provide steps or a ramp, and it may be more attractive to a predator and a bit easier to catch, so take that into account.
Sorry to revive an old thread but how did the chick make out in the end? Just had a similar thing happen with one of my chicks. It seems perfectly healthy otherwise. The chick is two weeks old today.

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