Chicks with bloody poop

They have coccidiosis. It is not uncommon at all, even for chicks on medicated feed. Medicated feed can help, but it is not a guarantee. Get some Corid and treat them for 7 days at the full emergency dose, which I believe is 1.5 tsp / gallon of water and offer it as their only source of drinking water.
The only poops I could find to take pics of just now.

The edges around the lumps in them were all fresh blood yesterday.

This was the first one we noticed which was what told us something was wrong. The dark streaks are where it dripped.

The chick with the lighter colored h
ead was the one that had it the worst, the poop in the pic above was from her.
Update. Haven't seen bloody poops the last few days. Instead, because I was doing a corid treatment on an icy day I am now having to wear an arm brace. good outcome for chickens but good and bad outcome for me XD
My two/three week old chicks got it, I lost six out of 26. I wasn’t able to get meds but a combo on acv, cinnamon, garlic, oregano oil and honey cured mine! I was so impressed by the effectiveness and so relieved because I had all of that stuff and no access to meds.
My two/three week old chicks got it, I lost six out of 26. I wasn’t able to get meds but a combo on acv, cinnamon, garlic, oregano oil and honey cured mine! I was so impressed by the effectiveness and so relieved because I had all of that stuff and no access to meds.
I've used some of those as supplementary meds before.

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