chicks won't survive

terry quails

May 7, 2015
Hello I'm new to this site and to trying to hatch quails and would like to ask a few questions
i have a male and female quail who seem to incubate the eggs well but they all die shortly after hatching.
do you think it would be best to take the eggs away and incubate them myself or when they start hatching move them straight to a brooder
also is it best to help them out of the shell.
Good morning Terry, Good to meet ya. What kinda quail are we talk'n bout? Are they outside? Are they in a rabbit hutch type pen?
Hi mate they are in a large outside avairy 14 ft long with otherbirds finches,cannery and doves she has raised 3 chicks in the past.
I think Don and I are both think'n the chicks are chilling.... That's why I wondered if they were in a wire bottom pen. She may be ok at the sitting part, but need help with the brooding. But if you took the eggs or chicks, they may not accept them back once they were big enough to survive
How has the male acted around them before? Males will kill chicks happens quite often and the hen will sometimes as well. I do wonder if they are just weak birds/chicks. I would try incubating and then use a brooder if you really want more birds, if they continue to die it could be genetic...weak birds, or just toss the eggs or cook them and feed to your birds, or yourself. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the comments the floor is soil.
Regarding the brooding im not really set up for it i have today ordered a heat lamp and will set it up asap but unfortunately only 1 of the 4 chikchicks are still alive
i have brought it in side gave it sosome water and put it in a container with a 40 w candle bulb positioed above for some warmth but not to sure of exact temperature.
can the one chick survive on its own
and it is still very week at standing and has its head on the floor most of the time
it is now 30 hrs old
Just a quick update on my 1 remaining quail it has been eating and drinking this morning and seems to be quite lively but I have noticed the feet are rolled under and not open outward is this normal
it is now 2 days old

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