

In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
I am new so i want to share my story. Right now the stories will be from when me and my mom started, three years ago. I will have pics eventually, so bear with me as i start this story. And so i will start.

I was at a friend`s house, and they had chickens. I couldn`t help expressing my dream of having chickens that i had nurtured for years. Just try to imagine my surprise when she plucked an egg out of the fridge and thrust it into my hands, saying "incubate it." After hours of research at home, my mom and I concluded that we would need more fertile eggs. My friend gave us 3 dozen eggs two weeks later.
In a week, I woke up to the sound of peeping. The first egg we had gotten, the one fresh out of the fridge, had hatched!

and so the story begins.....
How exciting! I have a disability and growing from chicks mught be a bit too intensive for me but it sounds so exciting! Can't wait to see photos of your first hatched :D
Here he is.
Pepper (the chick) was an EE with many colors. He always jumped out of his brooder to see his not-so-feathered friends. But for his first days, he had no other chicks to play with, no brothers nor sisters to gossip with. But that was soon to change!
So gorgeous! ! He would have been rapt when the others came along :) thanks for sharing the photo.
One day, when he was two weeks old, that changed. Ten of the other eggs hatched! For about an hour, Pepper just stood there and stared, wondering what on earth those wet bundles were and why they were in "his" brooder. Then he figured out that "hey they could be my buddies but they sure ought to clean themselves up first." But of course the chicks were exhausted from the effort of hatching. And who but the great Pepper to help dry them off? So Pepper took them under his wings and groomed them and kept them warm, even though he was only a few weeks old himself. They all became friends, four silkies, Pepper, and six mixed breeds. Three silkies were black, and became Smoky, Asoka, and Tatiana, while the grey silkie became Ploe. The white chick was named Chirp and had a very kind attitude. He soon became second in command to King Pepper, and made sure all the lads and ladies were happy in their tiny brooder. The other five chicks were black and became
Salt (who had a white dot on her head), Quack, Amidala, Luminara, and Bumblebee.
For the first four weeks of their lives, the goings-on was pretty uneventful. But that was soon to change! When the food lady did her daily chores, she left the door to the cage wide open! Pepper, always the boldest, was the first to hop out and discover the mysterious "beyond." (the kitchen) Chirp quickly followed, and loudly announced that it was safe to proceed. The chicks were overjoyed to discover this brand new place, and soon discovered a plate full of egg, which was gone in an instance, much to the food ladie's surprise. Their first day in the beyond was exciting, and for the next two weeks they explored it daily.
But the beyond soon became not so beyond-ish. So a makeshift pen was made outside so the chicks to discover the really tasty greenstuffs. The chicks enjoyed finding lots of wriggly stuffs everywhere. Lord Ploe, however, soon got himself into a pickle; the fence monster grabbed him! (he stuckchis shoulders through the fence). After a frantic fight with the monster, he is saved by a giant hand in shining armor (ripped shirt), who battled the monster, allowing Lord Ploe to escape.
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