Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?


Sep 15, 2021
I have a Mated pair of Chinese brown gees. I have seen them breed many times. She laid 11 eggs and has been on them for about 35 days as of today. We can't check the eggs because she will bite us. When do we remove Her if none hatch? Our plan was to pick her up today and candle the eggs. Our time line could be off by 3 days at most.
I don't believe any have hatched. She has left the nest for a few min to get water once a couple of days ago. I checked the nest and saw no movement. I didn't have time to really check because she cam back to quickly. She is in one of our chicken coops with a fence around it and their pond so the male wouldn't attack My Husband. He loves me and never goes after me. She runs from Him and goes after me LOL We will check them today. We will wear gloves so she can't hurt us.
When I let my geese set eggs kept going missing. Never figured out why. We started with 10 and there was only 3 at the end. I don't know if the geese move them or something else takes them.
No Goslings. I saw a couple of eggs that were cracked and I could see feathers, but no babies. It has been about 39 days now. She and the male are very aggressive. I am not sure if I should remove the eggs because the Goslings have died or keep waiting until she leaves the nest on her own.

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