Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Debi, sorry for your friends and is hard to say goodbye..............................
I hope it was with peace.............

Update on the escaped Roo..he was gone all day.thought he was coyote lunch for sure......
The other Roo's ran him off.
We had to run into town just before dark and sure enough .there he was in the driveway looking
lost and confused......We tried to guide him back to the barn but he freaked.............ran into the fence and caught hinself.........
Picked him up and put him with his girls.
I am so grateful, I would have worried all night.
Had called my neighbors on both sides and let them know he was case he tried to join thier chickens...
They just laughed.. like a raccon getting him was funny....hurt my feelings........
Chickens have little value to many people.
He really is beautiful and just a baby.barely has spurs and his tail feathers are not in.
Think I'll call him baby...

Well, thank you for listening.
Set 15 Olive eggers today.really pretty eggs..oh one is A NN....................
Doing better with the tmps and humidity.
Some one put a chart explaining temp flucuations in a thread today and it helped me.
I'll go back and find it then post it in case anyone else is interested.
Candled my CNY eggs today. Tossed out three clears and one quitter/blood ring. 20 still in, including the one with the giant crack covered in candle wax. It's the most viable looking out of all my eggs so I am glad I tried to save it!
Mornin CNY Hatchers

I completely forgot to give an update on my lone egg that was supposed to hatch a few days ago.. it didn't make it. It went into the hot bator for lockdown, well, I guess the fiddlin with the temp to stabilize it killed the baby. Was a very purty lil Maransx chick. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

The rest of my eggs go into lockdown Tuesday morning.
So I'll be candling then to check em all out.

We did have a new bundle of joy via stork delivery yesterday... my Pygmy nanny, Bella, delivered a adorable lil doeling!
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Debi, I am so sort to hear about your friend!

Snow: adorable baby! Congrats!

Sorry this is a multi post. DH got back from singapore yesterday and started having stomach pains. BAD ones! I made him come to the ER and he has appendicitis! Hes on his way to surgery now. I had 3 hours of sleep, had to lockdown my sizzles last night (was supposed to be today....close enough) and it was 2 degrees when I got home at 3am so I jad to thaw water bowls and bottles and do it again at 7am. YUCK!
Anyway I won't be on much today and tomorrow....unless it's on my phone like now lol If my typing is screwy I'm sorry......I'm using swype.
Candled mine last night. I have 23 of 28 set still going. I threw out 1 couple days ago, cuople of beads on it, and had some clears. The new roo is working, but the first few days I saved eggs, were clear, Took him a few days to get the hang I guess. Still have some wellsummer from 2 dif lines in. will be some BCM covered with BS Maran, some BCM covered by BLC marans and some Mystery eggs. I have 1 americana with the Blue Splash M. There is one of hers in, There is also a barnevelder in that pen, and I think one of the eggs is hers. I also have a cuople of Barnevelder with the wellsumer, so this will be a really interesting hacth. I will try to get some pics of My NYD hatch. Had a couple of wellie/BS marans chicks. they are kinda neat.Also had a BS Maran/Barnevelder Chick.

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