Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

well i candled last nite. had 3 clears out of the shipped eggs & 1 from the orpingtons. i think 2 other shipped ones have quit. blood rings. the rest of the shipped ones i cant see into they are to dark. but all the other orpington eggs were bouncing around having a party

ive been having probs with temp spikes the thermostat isnt cutting out when its meant to.
We are old?
I am not sure but this has to stop.

I am taking enchiladas and rice to a new mommy this afternoon, so that should be nice and pleasant - unless the baby is screaming.
We are old?
I am not sure but this has to stop.

I am taking enchiladas and rice to a new mommy this afternoon, so that should be nice and pleasant - unless the baby is screaming.

Debi.. so sorry to hear about Chuck!

Funny you mention enchiladas and rice for a new mommy.. Granted, I have about 7 more months to go, but that is what I am making for dinner tonight.
You guys are making me hungry!!! lol I'm baking some chicken and going to make my homemade mashed potatoes/ gravy, cornbread and some sort of veggie... I'm debating what kind of veggie i want! I really wants some squash but i'm all out!! Always happens that way... you want something thats all gone!
Oh and on another note i processed my first chicken today. The one with the bum leg i was talking about. (he is not our dinner tonight) I have to admit i was nervous but hubby helped me along and it was actsually very interesting and educational. We looked at the heart and all the organs and it was neat. He is in the fridge in a bag marinating in teryaki to be grilled tomorrow with rice and sauted veggies....
Burritos for dinner here......

I am sorry to hear about so much bad news.................
But think it is wonderful to have this tread to talk about it ..............
We really do care about each other.
I worked in the barn all day was a muddy mess.
And , as I expected, can hardly move today.....
I had no idea getting old could be so painful.

The chickens are happy though.nice clean coops...actually nice clean everything............
They are soooo beautiful.I could sit and watch them all day

Got some pics so will try the next step to see if I can get them up.
Take good care everyone,
Well my dinner went out the door.

SIL and couple of the grandsons were here working on my garage. Man I never get help and I cried I was so happy.

They just left and my 14 yr old son went with them. Game day and there's company on the way to their house. My daughter just had surgery, so I looked at the food and sent it with them.

Only my grand daughter who's 5 and I here right now, so I'll figure out something simple, since she's picky, but between my daughter and my SIL there are 7 grandkids over there, so I just hope I sent enough. LOL

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