Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

OMG.what a sweet picture.and I never thought about using a 5 gallon bucket for a nest...

I usually use a cardboard box.
OK. First, thank you for getting me to the right place to learn about floating..............
Next.I have one more pip.slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww........
but maybe have chicks in the A.M.
Aquired some new laying hens this weel..
2 buckeyes,1 ee,2 slw's and a russian Orloff (sp)
I had seen pics of buckeyes.but the pic certainly did not show thier beauty.these are knockout .a dark mahogany red.
The russian is a vey odd.nice personality.
We actually had one last year and thought it was a SSXEE..........
Turned into a pushy roo and we sold it for $5.00.
Wish I had him back

Getting more eggs than I can sell.guess I better get busy and put up some signs..

I have new ones that are a very light pink and cannot figure out who is laying them.
Any guesses........
They are very small.I have 1/2 english orps and SLW's that just started to lay.
That's it
First off, congratulations on all the chicks, Happy Birthday, I'm glad the coyote didn't get anything more than feathers, and that's a lovely Mama with some adorable babies!

Well, I've got good news and bad news.

Good news? I had one adorable little yellow chick out this morning with a second pipped. The pipper from this morning just finished hatching, it's a little black fuzzy. We have our seramas! So that's one each from the eggs I set on the 13th and the 15th.. hoping a few more join them.

Bad news? I haven't been feeling well, and I haven't been sleeping. I was up until 6am night before last, and I've had just about enough of that. So, I took something to help me sleep last night. Got up, got my daughter on the bus, went straight back to bed, and didn't wake back up until 2. I high-tailed it out back to let everybody out, figured they'd never forgive me for being stuck in there all day.

I found a mink and a massacre in the barn. I caught it in the act. If I hadn't been drugged and sleeping all day, I might have run it off earlier.

My birds are in a converted horse stall.. I put up chicken wire around the open areas, added roosts and nest boxes... they sleep there, but have the run of the place during the day, so they have more room to roam even if they don't want to go out in the snow. The goats are in another stall, and we adopted a few barn cats who refuse to kill rodents. There's my barn population.

Anyway, mink dug under the stall wall. Four dead -- two big hens, and two chicks in the grow-out area -- one totally MIA, and one with very minor injuries... I interrupted that attack. I'm praying our MIA boy is hiding, I didn't find even a little piece or a pile of feathers from him. I've checked every nook and cranny though, and under the hay and straw, nothing

It killed two of my husband's favorite birds. And the rooster that's missing is the third of his favorites -- his darling little bantam boy. He's pretty upset.. he's up in his office posting memorial portraits on his Flickr account. When I called earlier, he detoured from work and came home, tried to track the mink down to shoot it.(it ran from me, there was no way I could catch it). And he spent about an hour with me, and an hour later without me looking for his rooster. That rooster actually slept in my bedroom one night, roosting on a towel on my dresser. He wanted to move it into the house with him.. changed his mind when he started crowing at 3:45 am.

Trying to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. I hadn't thought about something digging its way in... I'm thinking about going all the way around the bottom of the stall with concrete.. my husband doesn't think that will do any good, it'll just dig under the concrete.
Heather sorry for your loss

My last egg has not done anything yet. Every once in awhile I think I see it move. Tommorrow is day 21 for it so hopefully it will pip sometime tomorrow.
The 7 that already hatched are doing well so far. These guys are super sweet and softer than both my Wyandottes and Silkies where at this age. Maybe there are perks to being a mutt. They all love to run up to my hand to be petted. It is so cute.
Sounds like most are doin well! YAY!

Hate to hear of some not having viables
That definetly aint fun, waiting and then nothing.

Heather, I'm so sorry

I got one spradle leg I have taped up, changed out tape today. When I gave the chick a minute to see how it was doing, it was worse then before
I retaped it and put it back. Hope it is better after another three days... It looks like its the only roo out of the BW Ameraucanas that hatched
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Nice to see lots of pips and peeps.

I'm so sorry for you and your hubby HeatherB.
I hope your little roo is hiding out somewhere safe.

As for my eggs *sigh* into day 23 here and nothing since my one pip died two days ago.
I want to look but I have nowhere dark enough to candle during daylight hours. I haven't heard a single peep this hatch so I'm not holding out much hope.

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