Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Ms.FuzzyButts :

Yes, it can take 12 to 24 hours sometimes. The wait is brutal!!!

The wait IS brutal. I knew going into lockdown that the silkie eggs looked behind so they may take longer, but my belly is still not right. THey had LIFE and were moving. They HAVE to hatch.​
Good Luck!!
Thanks, guys. I'm gonna go get a few bags of concrete tomorrow and give that a shot. I may hit TSC and pick up live traps too.. I saw they had a few on sale. And asap in the Spring they'll move out of the barn and into an actual coop. I hope to not have this happen ever again.

The bright spot in the day was the serama chicks. If they didn't hatch this time, I promised I would find somewhere to buy chicks.
Here's a little cuteness picture!

Debi, I'm sorry to hear about your birds, too.
Any idea what it was? Did it get the whole flock? I hope your hatching has been successful so you can get everything built back up!

And BooBear, are they a mix between the wyandottes and silkies? I have to go back a few pages and see if you've posted pics
I've just been dropping in briefly, so I tend to scan through real quick and miss a few things. And, I love our mutts, too!
They've been far more personable than any of the others. The one plays! If I set it on the floor and zigzag my finger back and forth over the carpet, he chases it like a little kitten, pecking at my fingernail. It's adorable!

I missed the not viable post.. I'm sorry to hear that
21 days is a long time to hold your breath and stare at the incubator just to have nothing happen. Please try again soon!

SnowHunter, I hope your spraddle leg baby improves quickly! How can you tell it's a roo this early? Are the chicks colored differently at hatch? I would love to be able to tell better.. I've got a few that I'm still having trouble putting my finger on at about 3 months. Makes me feel like a bad parent!
Heather, it was a pack of 3 coyotes. We lost 24 chickens and 9 ducks. The ducks population has been rebuilt, however the chickens have not. ALMOST though!!!!! If all of my eggs in the bator hatch we are even. If not, I set more in the next few days. I am NOT giving up.
I want my chickens back!!
First, Heather, may I add my condolences as well. That so totally sucks.

I just had a friend ID the sex and some breeds of my birds, today. I'm REALLY bad at it. And I've gotten SO many shipped eggs and hatched chicks, and not all hatched and some died because I AM a bad parent - I didn't know drafts could so easily kill young birds!

If it hasn't crowed or laid an egg in front of me, I have a lot of trouble telling the sex. I do a lot of guessing and hoping, though... LOL

I'm takin a wild guess... since they're Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, I'm figuring the cockerels will color darker, and pullets lighter... this is the only pure one (the others are BW OE)with the darker feathering on his wings (the other 3 have lighter color feather patterning on thier wings). I could be wrong though!! I don't know squat about Ams, so I'm more then likely wrong!
Mine hatched out last week though.. I set almost a week ahead since the eggs were shipped.

I hope yall can get the stall all secured. I've lost birds (to MY dog no less
) and that was awful. I couldn't imagine a loss yall have had
Hahaha! I have it easy, most of mine color sex. Dorkings, Wellies and the Silver Sussex are easy once they are a few weeks old. The Dorkings and the Wellies should be sexable at hatch from their down, I know it worked for mine.
Even though they were a week or two old when given to me.
I'd always planned to have easy to sex breeds... then I hatched some Silkies in my first run in the 'bator. They should keep me guessing for some time!
Well I candled and if anything I have two that might be viable. I see no movement, but I rarely do.

These little Silkie x AM chicks are loud! The last one to hatch is still dragging a bit of yolk, so making so much noise I know it's healthy. I'm pretty sure both of those are roos. I already see a tiny cushion comb. Looks like my boys in miniature.

The other had a single comb and I can already see points. Dare I guess? ROO! LOL

I think one more blue egg may hatch, but no more pips. I might pip them later if nothing else happens.

Pretty sure I see light through two of the brown eggs, not sure about the other one.

Hopefuly this means my next hatch will go well too. I have 10 bantam Wellies in there. I have pullets, but still growing and when I saw some in the sale barn at the Stockton show, I was kind of happy to see they were a decent size.

I'm thinking about going to TJ's tomorrow and bringing back some fertile eggs. I'm also going to the cemetery and i usually drive out to the exchage afterwards. Was thinking I'd check and see if they sell fertile eggs at the commisary. Maybe I'd hatch out red, white and blue chicks!
Also, talking about selling colored eggs.
I have had two requests to save eggs for easter.
Have about everything and I have so much fun with them.
Have everything but white.....I hate white.makes me think of store bought eggs

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