Chinese painted/button quail

As I said I'm not bothered about them being tame but I wouldn't want them to be fighting.

I think the mistake I made was not providing them with places to hide. Both buttons and Japanese quail require hiding places. They must be something with more than one exit so nobody gets trapped. I use fake plants for reptiles, or even fake dollar store plants. I hang the foliage from the top of the cage or prop it up in a corner. All of my quail now have foliage to hide in. Every so often I take the fake plants out and wash them in the sink, as they can get poopy. As a bonus, they prefer to lay their eggs behind foliage, which makes them easier to find. Speckled eggs are surprisingly hard to find, and sometimes they trample them into the substrate.
haha dont we all!

I was going to say I could send you some eggs and guarantee they wouldn't be related in case you managed to get a male-female pair out of them, but then I realised I was being thick :gigI may still be able to help in some respect, although I'm guessing by your gumtree link you are a good couple of hours or so away from me.
Aw thank you Emma! My goodness - there's a gumtree link??!!
Oh wow, that's crazy! And they are actually a a type of chicken, not some sub species type thing?
Yes, they're the smallest chickens in the world - some people keep them as indoor pets and put diapers on them. I brought mine indoors when we had the snow and I've gotten in to the habit of bringing them indoors at night.
I'm guessing they are quite tame(able) then, especially if they let you wash their feet for them!
I had to google them and they are quite sweet (for chickens :oops:) do they all have that weird exaggerated breast though?

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