Chinese Painted Quail incubation newcomer..Humidity??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 12, 2010
London, UK
Hey BYC peoples
I've finally gotten to begin my hatching journey with button quails, iv always wanted to since I had a blue pair when I was little and iv hatched a few chickens and ducks in the last few months with my Brinsea incubator so i think quails are a must hehe Just wanted to know though cause I keep reading different things about button quail Humidity- Iv read something someone posted about how you shouldnt provide any humidity til day 14 and then crank it up in lockdown, someone else said that it should be low like 30% til lockdown and others say 60%..
Im so confused
So thought I should post and ask people with experience with button quails and hear what worked the most for you guys
At the moment its day 2 and my humiditys been ranging from 50-60%
You may want to start calling them Chinese Blue Breasted Quail rather than Chinese Painted Quail...The Chinese Painted quail was a coined name back when people had no clue about their history. Now that they are being researched in detail, it is better to call them right
Thank youuu quailladyoffortmyers!! I feel reassured :Dand will remember that too I think overall I enjoy calling them button quails the best hehe even if its still incorrect
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy I will do! every time I Incubate eggs its like its my first time all over again and I cant help but video everything and take tons of piks so look out hehe:p
I am incubating my 3rd batch of Button eggs. ( They're due tomorrow!
Trying not to get my hopes up! Last time they hatched on day 17 ..

But we'll see!
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Ooooooooh your so lucky im dying with impatience and I still have 2 weeks to wait

Good luck with your hatch and post some piks of the cuties when they do

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