Chocolate gene linkages?


7 Years
Mar 20, 2017
I've been reading about the chocolate gene, and wondered what else it's linked with.

I know it's on the sex chromosome, along with barring and gold/silver and a few other things.
I also know that some of the genes on that chromosome behave as if they're not linked.
I've poked around various charts of chicken gene linkages, and searched the forums here, but I haven't found the answer yet.
I am surprised that there is not more answers here, unless know one really understands.....I have hunted and looked and asked so many times in different places and qet no answers to questions I have.
Isn't there someone who knows about the Chocolate or Dun gene that can help????
So many raising and selling "Chocolate Silkies" and no ones knows anything?????
No not sarcastic, just amazed, I have LOTS of questions on the Chocolate genetics and can't find anyone that is able or willing to answer any, and your answer seem kinda sarcastic to me!:confused::lau
Surely you realize it is not all that simple........I ask because I don't understand and I have seriously reached out for answers, here and elsewhere. Thanks though for being here and helping as you do. 🥰

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