*Chocolate Orpington Thread*

I purchased some chocolate Orpington hatching eggs from someone I found on BYC and I'm just not sure if they are indeed chocolate Orpington eggs. Can anyone explain to me what they look like? Are they very large, are they dark brown light brown, etc. Even better if you have a picture could you post it?
The eggs I received were cream colored, very small, about the size of a phoenix egg and not much bigger than a quail egg. I just want to make sure I got what I purchased because they were very expensive. It was interesting also because I purchased 18 eggs and one hatched.
Thank you for the help!
Jordanfarms.com sells them. A bit pricey but looks like a great place to buy some.
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Mine are large fowl sized for American birds, though they are mostly English- I started with a bantam English Orp years ago and bred to American hens to start with.

Mine lay a pinkish-brown large egg with a matte finish. I'm not sure, but are yours perhaps bantam?
These are the sweetest little things ever! My kiddo decided she wanted to hand raise Lavenders and I saw the Chocolates and thought we should have them too. We got them from an NPIP farm in Ohio, shipped live. They are UK line (in-between Bantam and LF) One rooster out of 5 chicks and hoping to sell a pair...the kiddo is trying to raise money by selling chicks to get her dream: a horse (of course).

If you know anyone in CO that wants some, we have 3 pullets and the roo that are currently 11wks! We also have a BBS (Black) pullet that is 13wks. Those Lav's went like hotcakes and were gone right away.

Thanks all!
I purchased some chocolate Orpington hatching eggs from someone I found on BYC and I'm just not sure if they are indeed chocolate Orpington eggs. Can anyone explain to me what they look like? Are they very large, are they dark brown light brown, etc. Even better if you have a picture could you post it?
The eggs I received were cream colored, very small, about the size of a phoenix egg and not much bigger than a quail egg. I just want to make sure I got what I purchased because they were very expensive. It was interesting also because I purchased 18 eggs and one hatched.
Thank you for the help!

My cockerel, Pip:

My pullet, Squeak (with the babies she hatched three weeks ago):

One big happy family :)

Hello there!

I was just wondering about CO chicks. I hatched one out on June first and I noticed today that while it's comb is yellow, it is starting to get red little waddles. Would this indicate I have a cockerel or do I need to wait longer to know for sure?
Hello there!

I was just wondering about CO chicks. I hatched one out on June first and I noticed today that while it's comb is yellow, it is starting to get red little waddles. Would this indicate I have a cockerel or do I need to wait longer to know for sure?

Those little red wattles and comp at that age would be an indicator to me that it is a rooster.

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