Chocolate Orpingtons and Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
I have heard of Chocolate Orpingtons. I saw a breed on Greenfire Farms, is there such thing as Lemon Cuckoo Orps or is it one of Greenfire's own project?

Fast A. Farms
They are in the UK I believe. Not sure if he's planning to import or start a project. Your best bet would be to email him and ask. Either way, it is great to hear so many folks interested in more color varieties. They're all so beautiful!
Yep, they are in the UK, there may be some in the US already, but I have gotten started working on them myself, here in the US. I havent heard of Greenfire having them though, where did you see or read this ?
There was an auction for lemon cuckoo orp eggs on eggbid recently. The seller wasn't Greenfire though. Someone in MI I think?

Looks like they're close to getting chocolate orps, for those that have been waiting for some.
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