Chocolate Orpingtons


10 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Has anyone tried a Chocolate Orp project? Oh and ones that would lay the dark Maran eggs!

Hmm what would you have to breed to get that?
Nope but once you have that done i would love to buy some from you, LOL. Actually I would love to start a project like that, but I am new to genetics and am still working on the Blue, Black, Splash line in chickens.

Any help you need or test hatchers I would be happy to help. I actually think that there are poeple working on this project and think I have even seen talk of it on here.

Try a LF OEG Chocolate if you can find them and good quality Black Orpingtons

Knows nothing about Marans!!

We are all here to help with project birds!!
I searched Chocolate Orps on line. There are some that have been developed in England, but livestock and eggs cannot be shipped from UK to US.

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