Chocolate Orps have landed in the States!

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Tony do not forget me.. i want a few of those this year to experiment with.. will be seeing you in a few days anyway, will talk more then...
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There is so much jealousy in the Orp world, it really is sad that folks are not more supportive.

Renee, congrats to your friend. I wish him much success with his new birds.
This thread reminds me of why I don't hang out much on BYC and also makes me happy that I've never been interested in Orpingtons of any color or type.
Medicine Man i know you spend most of your time out in the chicken coops.. lol ., just teasin.

but you really should hang around here more in spite of it all.. i will soon be back in full swing my self here, just so much to get ready for this spring.. I surely wouldnt let others spoil my fun..
(hows that Chant project coming?)

Ya know you want orps dont we all... lol
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Exactly !!

But I really don't see anybody being unsupportive here? I just don't see the "chocolate" in the photos that Tony has posted. I would like to see some better quality photos - maybe we could see the "chocolate" a bit better.

Jealousy is alive and well in the world of chickens, as in everything esle...people taking credit for other folks work, scammers wanting to make a quick buck on folks who just want to import beautiful birds, etc. Pretty sad, huh?
They all look like Brown chickens to me. IF I wanted to make a Brown chicken, I would rather use an already full sized Brown chicken to start with rather then a Banty. Tony's Brown chicken looks as Chocy as many I see over in the UK. IF I wanted a Brown chicken, I would care less what others call it, IF it is Brown it is Brown. A fancy word like "Chocolate" does not make it official.
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