Chocolate Orps have landed in the States!

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I'll see what I can do. It's not like you can find them that easy you know. The reknown breeders just don't let go their birds that fast and I really don't want to import project birds but standard bred birds. I want to import the "right stuff"
cool will be watching to see them..

thanks for sharing...
I completely understand what you're saying about projects, the Diamond Jubes are just a dream of mine.

I feel like UK type Buff Orpingtons would do incredibly well here, too. Everyone knows the Buff color, so they would probably be a hit!

I would love to see some more photos too of your current imports!
I'm sooo glad we have Bantam Orps from the UK on American soil...of ANY color...of course, I'll probably only be able to buy eggs one at time though...LOL
I think it is great that they are getting brought into this country,,I wish I had the money to be able to do it,,but I dont..also I really kind of liked the looks of Tony's birds,,I think you have a great little project started there..while they may be choc or they may be dun,,I dont know but they are different and thats what sells ,so if you can get the type up to standards I think you will have a nice little deal going.
Light brown, but I dream of the day a chocolate colored bird lays chocolate colored eggs, don't you???

Maybe someone needs to develop a chocolate Maran.
I would adore just a chocolate rooster. just that lol. I have hatchery buffs and bought BBS chicks off a lady that went all out and bought a ton of high quality eggs and had them shipped.... and 95% of them hatched
the plan with the BBS was raise chicks and sell to the local 4h kids. most cant afford to buy good birds or good eggs and the kids end up going to tsc and picked their show birds out of the bin. this may help me break even on the chickens while getting the kids better stock. with a chocolate rooster Id put him after the black hens that hatch and have sex linked babies to sell to the 4hers, cause they cant all even have roosters.

I think its awesome that your getting more colors in great quality I would do that in a heart beat if I could.
Light brown, but I dream of the day a chocolate colored bird lays chocolate colored eggs, don't you???

Maybe someone needs to develop a chocolate Maran.

There time will come... just like choc Araucana..
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