Chocolate Orps have landed in the States!

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They're getting so common people aren't that interested any more...however we're the opposite and everyone is craving for silkies and the american silkies are much more fluffy and cuddly than the ones in the uk
i wish i could import some american silkies

oh on ebay hatching eggs for choc orps are everywhere
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I promise that I wasnt trying to attack you or your birds, I just really couldnt tell much about their color in your pictures...It would be way cool if the choc sex link gene did pop up in your line of Orps.
Wow, I just logged on right now and saw that a huge fuss was made about the comments I posted about Tony's Orps. I honestly had no intention in offending anyone and didn't really think they would be soo controversial.
I had said that its impossible for True CHOC Orps to come from a line of blues. Yet, he insisted they were Choc, so I explained it to him how its not likely. People correct me all the time on here, and it doesn't mean they're jealous of me.

BTW, I've been told I have issues with deductive reasoning
, so If I'm missing some important aspect to this... please let me know.

Again, I apologize if I offended anyone.
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