Choice of plastic or metal feeders/waterers?


Jul 26, 2017
Stedman, NC
Does anyone have a particular preference when it comes to the material of their feeders and / or waterers? My coop and run are almost ready and I've got plastic ones now, but was wondering about the opinions of experienced chicken keepers...
I prefer plastic because I ferment their feed.
I prefer plastic for the water too so i don't have to deal with rust.
I prefer metal for water and feed. I keep both in my coop. It goes well below freezing here. I have a heated base for my waterer, 20161018_090102.jpg to keep it from freezing. I use a rubber bowl in winter under the raised coop. Easy to remove ice and refill. 20170106_091709.jpg it's under the pail.
If you want to add Apple cider vinegar to your chickens waterer you can't use a galvanized waterer. GC
I prefer plastic waterers because I put ACV in their water on a regular basis. For feed I prefer metal because it's pretty indestructible and the main feeder I use has a cover over the feeding bin to help keep it clean and near impossible for the chickens to scratch out the feed because the chickens have to step on a platform to open the feeder bin.
I use plastic for both: I ferment their feed, and use a plastic heated water bowl in the winter. During the summer, I've been using bell waterers or plastic buckets. But have the supplies on hand to put together a horizontal nipple waterer.

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