Choosing a rooster for chicks


Rube Goldberg incarnate
9 Years
Mar 17, 2010
Western Washington
I'm thinking of getting a rooster to add to my flock of 16 laying hens. I have a mixed flock of Barred Rocks, Black Austrolorps, Gold Sex Links, and Rhode Island Reds. I'm not raising for shows, just want to add the possibility of making my flock self sustaining, numbers wise. I'm leaning towards the BR or BA, as I have 5 of each.

Any suggestions would be great.
If I were choosing out of those two, I'd go with the Barred Rock.

but if I were choosing for those hens, I'd get a RIR.
If I were choosing I'd go with the BA. They make good laying hens for you and will also be gentler than the other roos. I had a BR roo he was mean and so have a lot of others. Gloria Jean
I'm liking the BRs more everyday. I've got a little Wellie roo growing out now. I got the Wellies for the dark eggs and, well, b/c I think they're pretty/handsome chickens. That said, the BRs are quickly becoming my favorite for personality. I think I may concentrate on a good laying (especially winter) strain of BRs was the Welsummer thing has run its course.

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