Choosing Bantams


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 25, 2014
Hi everyone,
I'm asking for people's opinion on choosing a bantam. I have never owned chickens before and have a small area so I have decided to go with a bantam but I'm not sure what breed :idunno. I also don't know whether to get them from a day old-week old or at laying point. This is more for the pet not the laying.
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I've been raising chickens for 50 years, mostly standard breeds, but I have had Black Silkies, Mille Fleur D'Uccles, Silver Sebrights, and Buff Cochin bantams and loved them all. I think the Silkies were my favorite as they were such adorable, sweet, friendly, and funny little birds. My children made lap pets out of them. Whatever bantam breeds you decide to get, good luck with your flock.
X2 on the Silkies and Cochins. They are the "lap dogs" of the chicken world, and both are pretty easy to find. If you can, go to a poultry show and look around. You might find a different breed that you like best, and it's a fun thing to do. Fall is "show season".

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