Christmas Hatch

Avatar Frizzy and her after Christmas chicks.

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Thanks for the reply! Thats what I was thinking but wanted to get a second opinion. Look at mama and those cuties!
So I had 5 out of 7 of my silkie eggs hatch!  3 on their hatch dates exactly!  And they appear very healthy.  The other two were 1 day late and of those, One had a splayed leg (I think he injured it while hatching?  His umbilical cord was wrapped around it..he also had ALOT of goo in the egg spill out so I wonder if he hatched too quickly?  He piped and was completely out within 30 min!) and the other had pretty curled toes.  So they are hobbled and booted respectfully.  The splayed chick seems to be doing well but the other is still having trouble getting around and I think its preventing him from eating.  Guess he's stressed?

I have 2 eggs still in the incubator.  One is very likely dead, its very dark in there but I MAY have seen very slight movement (or my eyes were playing tricks).  The other seems to have a chick that appears to be alive and very slowly moving.  How long do I wait before I give up on these guys?  They don't smell and as I said still appear alive though I'm not sure for how much longer.  With the air cells getting larger by the day I'm afraid they'll be shrinkwrapped should I risk opening up the egg that looks like the chick is ready?  Or just leave them and hope they hatch?  Everything I've read says throw out eggs that are 5 days late after you check for life but as I said, at least one shows signs of life!  i know assisted hatching is generally a no no and I respect that but I would feel bad if these can't hatch on their own at this point and I could try to help.  Any suggestions are welcome!

At this point it would not hurt to assist. I had to assist the only one that made it on my first hatch a few weeks ago. Had a gut feeling I to assist another one sooner and did not, it didn't make it.

I used a very tiny drill bit to open up the rest , just in case. Recommend trying on a few you know aren't viable with whatever tool you choose to use. Also check out some of the info on malpositions. Hope they make it.
They are so cute nchls school, they sure don't stay that small very long though:( just like all babies I guess
Update on the 2 unhatched silkie eggs. I went "in" tonight to try to assist their hatch if they were indeed still alive (7 days late). Unfortunately there were just two dead fully formed chicks. Guess the motion I saw was my eyes playing tricks. All-in-all a happy hatch. 5 out of 7 with an unknown incubator is nothing to sneeze at! : ) I'll take it

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