Christmas in October block Swap

I don't think we should post pictures of our mug rugs before they are received because the surprise will lessen!

However, here is a photo that you may like. These are Omiage bags, little Japanese present bags. We learned to make them at my evening quilt group and I've made eleven so far. I thought they will be good when I need things to put into fayres and sales tables etc.

I don't think we should post pictures of our mug rugs before they are received because the surprise will lessen!

However, here is a photo that you may like. These are Omiage bags, little Japanese present bags. We learned to make them at my evening quilt group and I've made eleven so far. I thought they will be good when I need things to put into fayres and sales tables etc.

I love those please post how to make them
I don't think we should post pictures of our mug rugs before they are received because the surprise will lessen!

However, here is a photo that you may like. These are Omiage bags, little Japanese present bags. We learned to make them at my evening quilt group and I've made eleven so far. I thought they will be good when I need things to put into fayres and sales tables etc.

You gals across the pond have the best ideas!!! Yes, please post instructions. I still want to come and learn from you!!!!
You gals across the pond have the best ideas!!! Yes, please post instructions. I still want to come and learn from you!!!!
These bags are so pretty. My daughter made me one several yrs ago. I like to display it partially opened on my night stand and put earrings etc. in it.
Ok. These came from the book 'Omiyage' by Kumiko Sudo. You can get it on Amazon. Copyright means that I can't copy it for you but I think it will be ok to tell you in my own words together with the tips I've discovered as I've got more made.

You need two equilateral triangles, each side 8 1/2 inches long, of different fabrics.

Right sides together, sew 1/4 inch seam all around leaving a goodish opening on one side for turning. I started a couple of inches from the corner on one side and did a few reverse stitches so that the seam would hold when I turned the bag the right way out. Then I whizzed off that corner, did the next two sides then did about a couple of inches along from the other corner of the first side, finishing with a bit of reverse stitching.

Trim a bit of the excess fabric on the corners. Turn the bag the right way out, finger pressing the seams as you do so. Don't try to poke the pointy corners out too much or you will probably poke the fabric through ( ask me how I know this!!!) ; better to have More rounded corners. I found that I frequently got little tucks along the seams no matter how careful I was with finger pressing. I ease out as much as I could with a pin before pressing with the iron. Now sew up the opening. You can leave this and make sure you catch both front and lining fabrics when you sew up the sides but see later....

Now the best bit, you have to choose which of the fabrics you've used you want on the outside of the bags and which you want as the petals. I found that mine looked gook either way and it was always a difficult decision

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