Cinnamon Queen


In the Brooder
May 3, 2020
I bought this chick frona local pet store/ feed store . There were a few varieties in the large glass rank they were in. I asked for the Americana (Easter eggers) but this one has matured with much different comb, wattle and even body shape than the others. I came across a another picture of a CINNAMON queen and I'm wondering if that's what she really is.


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She could be an Easter Egger though they aren't typically rose combed. She could be a Wyandotte but this would be an extremely rare variety. It's more likely she is an Easter Egger.
She could still be a red sex link. Though I don’t believe it’s common practice, I know SLW are sometimes used in their creation.
Yes, I've read they sometimes call different mixes Cinnamon queen. Sometimes with a wyandotte and sometimes with a different breed
She looks like a mix, Wyandotte looks to be in there somewhere, EEs are hybrids with the blue/colored egg gene, to some it all up, you've got yourself a mix that most likely carries a colored egg gene.
She looks like a mix, Wyandotte looks to be in there somewhere, EEs are hybrids with the blue/colored egg gene, to some it all up, you've got yourself a mix that most likely carries a colored egg gene.
Thank you! Can you tell the sex? I have heard pullet from some, cockerel from others. If it was indeed Cinnamon queen than it would be pullet. If EE than I am back at square 1.

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