jim c

6 Years
Dec 6, 2013
This is more about my observations than it is a question on city chickens.
First some background about my city and my chickens.
I live in a city that lets you have chickens and the number of them is determined by the size of your lot. Approx. 1 bird per 2000sq ft of property.
I keep a small flock of mixed breed. 2 Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, 2 araucana, Light Bramha, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and a Black Sex Link.

The area I keep them in is approx. .30x60 sq ft of yard with a coop inside this area. The coop is 8x12 in a woods open design.

After having several different types of coops, I have determined that this is the best and easiest coop to maintain for me.

So having Chickens in the city can have some things to overcome that some folks don't think of before getting them. Yeah I did this also. The main thing for me was I didn't care if my neighbors liked, disliked, or didn't care either way if I had chickens. I'm gonna get them and so you have to live with it was my line. Not completely true because I like my neighbors and did let them know I was going to get some chicken and what was their thoughts on it. I used the I will give you some fresh eggs also. Well that was the phrase that sealed the deal on them not complaining about having chickens so close to them.

Now the area for them is large and it does have more than the coop in it. It also has a green house, a storage shed with a lean-to on one side and a replica outhouse that I use to store fire pit wood in.

So I enjoy looking at other peoples coop and yards. That being said I still get stymied as to why some people will go to great length and effort to build a coop and run and not understand one simple rule to guild them in their efforts, and that is this "build your coop and run as large as you can and make the run as large as you can". If you want 3 chickens build the coop and run for 30. Now I know that money is tight and not everyone can throw money into a coop like bill gates, but if you plan ahead and give yourself time you can get all the materials you will need over time. I hear about people that get the chicks and then have to rush to get the coop and run done, sounds like you put the cart before the horse. Did you have a family before you had a place to live, or did you have a place to live then have a family. No money is wasted if you build a coop first then get the chickens because if you end up not getting the chickens you can sell the coop, if you get chickens then rush to build a coop you will spend more money fixing the things you did in a hurry or did wrong because you tried to save time. Save your money and get the coop done then get the chickens.

Ok that covers the coop and run now on to the breed of bird you want. I hate hearing people say they don't know what breed to get.
It means only one thing you did not research the breeds of birds that you may have been looking at and you want other people to tell you what they like in a breed. Now I know that is not really a bad thing but this is what happens most often and most people will not tell you they made the same mistake by not doing the research themselves about the breeds. They got a breed of chicken because someone said "this is the best breed in the world", and it turns out they really don't like that breed for whatever reason which of course is the reason they end up giving up on raising chickens or talk bad about that breed. no breed is the best in the world, because if it was then everyone would have it and no topics of breeds would be seen or talked about. Go to the fair talk to people about their breed and why they like it and the pros and cons, read up on them, do the research. If you are like me get one of that breed and see if it works for you. If you get a breed you don't like then do one of three things keep it and see if it grows on you enough to keep it in your flock, eat it, or give it to someone who likes that breed, but don't keep it and hate the breed, find the breed that suits you best.

I may add more to the feeding and care of the city chicken later, it depends on the response I get from this post. Please leave a comment either good or bad about what I have said just don't say perfect or be rude. Remember this is My view and not me saying it is the only way, and you have the responsibility to decide if you agree or disagree with what I have posted.
I have city chickens as well. We live in a central neighborhood in Austin and many of the folks in our neighborhood have urban flocks. I was pretty sure our neighbors would have no complaints, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that one of my neighbors (an older retired military gentleman) was very interested in the design/building of our coop/run. He grew up in the country with several chickens and had really fond memories of tending his childhood flock. Now he likes to come over and sit a spell with our girls.

We are one of those families that purchased chicks before we started the coop build. In our case the coop was finished when the chicks were 5 weeks old and the move outdoors went smoothly. I can see where we got ahead of ourselves; but then I tend to be impulsive...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts/experiences!

Thank You Nora,
I tend to sit with my girls in the evening after dinner, my dinner not theirs.
I hope I didn't mean you couldn't do the coop before the chicken but I guess its more of a why would you.

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