City piles of mulch. Use in coop/run?


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Smoky Mountains
So our city does a lot of tree cutting year round. They've put in piles what looks like mostly pine, poplar, other southern trees, some pine needles mixed in. Don't think we have any cedar around here. I'm wondering if there would be any issues with me saving a few bucks and using this stuff in my coops and runs.
I was wondering the same thing since the middle school where I work has 2 great big piles of mulched trees available. Thanks for the the question and reply.
So our city does a lot of tree cutting year round. They've put in piles what looks like mostly pine, poplar, other southern trees, some pine needles mixed in.

I get similar stuff from our power company, and it works great in the runs. The chickens get pretty excited when I throw it in there, too. ;)
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