
The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
Miss Prissy's sticky at the top that says MUST READ: Spring is coming and Nifty will be doing his thing here again soon. In the thread above, please post the LINK to your recipe, not the recipe itself. The recipes could, and mostly likely will, end up getting deleted. That sticky will stay.

So all of you with your wonderful recipes, please post the LINK to the thread in sticky above.

Thanks and POST EM! This is a great place to find some time honored recipes!

Anotehr good isea is to make sure the thread with the recips is in this section.

Nifty is under strict orders from Miss Prissy and me to keep his fingers off the delete button in this section.

Make a thread for your recipe in this section and put a link to it in the top thread here.
Sometimes as we are browsing, a recipe will catch our eyes and we add it as we go.

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