classroom hatches!


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
First I want to thank everyone who contributed to my daughters 2nd grade class and to a first grade classroom for hatching eggs!
You all are very awsome!

I am due to candle my daughters 2nd grade eggs next week on day 14, and today(day 12) I candled the other 1st grade eggs. The first grade class had a total of 31 eggs in the incubator and we only had 4 bad ones. There are now 27 eggs left! Some I put question marks on but the rest look great!!!! This is the teachers 2nd hatch, but what was interesting is the first hatch was when I had no idea about hatching eggs! LOL! And we did everything wrong last year on my very first hatch!! We opened the bator up a zillion times, tried to candle sideways(could not see anything but a blob!), did not know about humidity so we put 2 cupfulls of water in the bator the first 18 days and then 3 the last 3! Then on day 21(what I thought was day 21) nothing hatched and that was on a Friday. So I ended up taking the eggs home and the very next day on Sat they hatched. Out of 30 eggs we had 10 hatch. It is amazing that anything survived!!! LOL

So next week there will be another candling on my daughters 2nd grade class and I will keep you guys updated on that. The 2nd graders are also hatching quail(buttons and cornix.....Thank you mothergoose!)

Anyway just wanted to share this awsome experience with everyone and also to let everyone know I have learned so much though you all. What a wonderful site and so incredibly helpfull!

I completly agree!
I also get to be the guest speaker next week too on the candling.
I guess I will tell them about how they hatch and that the baby has a egg "tooth"
Does anyone else have any ideas on what I could talk to the 2nd graders about hatching?
Thanks all!
I can identify with you! I had to take our classroom eggs home and of course they hatched there! The 2nd graders here have enjoyed coming to our 6th grade class and learning about the different sizes and colors of eggs and who lays what or which one. We put together a display of different size eggs with a picture of the bird that comes out of them next to it. I'd love to know how it goes.
Ok...updated update!

On the 1st grade eggs part of them are going into the hatcher tomorow!!! The rest are going in on Sunday night! The teacher said she will probably spend the night in the classroom! LOL!

For the 2nd grade, I candled them and all 27 eggs are doing great!!!!!!! I have no idea about the quail though I can not tell.


The teachers and I are so very excited!
The 2nd grade teacher "Mr.Anderson" saw me candle today for the very first time and he was "awstruck!"
and he said to me "I see why you want to hatch over and over again". I told him we are just getting to the best part! HATCHING!!!!!!!!!!

OK my candling to the kids is weds.....
can anyone tell me anything smart to say to these 2nd graders??

Hey good luck! I just got home from Albuquerque, I have 5 baby quail, and a bunch of pips in eggs due on the 14th!!! I'm thinking these guys are just in a major hurry to make my life interesting!
How very exciting!
I think chicks are just very very exciting!
It is gonna be hard for me these next two weeks not wanting to sneak into the classrooms to take a peak. LOL!
ohh keep me updated on those quail!
While I was in Albuquerque my son and three of my students were baby sitting the eggs and quail. We lost 3 out of the 8, two never formed and one that was moving so violently on Friday night didn't hatch so my so opened the egg on Sunday. The membrane was dry and it couldn't get out. Now these impatient little suckers want out but they aren't due until Friday but where they've knocked the shell off the membrane is dry. The humidity was lower than it should have been but I was going to move them tomorrow or Wed morn to the hatcher with high humidity. My mom didn't know the humidity was too low or she would have added water, but she was paying more attention to the quail. They look like feathered mice! The mean little showgirl who was picking on the new black chick has adopted the little quail and they are sleeping under his wings. He has now accepted the little black one and the little gold one. I'm dying to see how your class does!
wow that is interesting!
I have it where the quail will be hatching in a different hatcher then the chicks. Makes me wonder if they should just hatch together. I guess I was worried about the big chicks stepping all over the quail. hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
I guess they can be together it looks like.

I so need to get a different camera! Mine sucks and I dont want to take any more pictures with it cause it sucks taht much! LOL!!

Oh well we will see what hatches, it will be hard to keep from asking the teacher around next week on Wed-Thurs if anything hatched or not. LOL!! LOL!!


So excited!
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