clean yolk off eggs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
After a week of the entire family being debilitated by a super nasty stomach bug, I went out to grab the eggs I hadn't gotten in about four days. No surprise, one or two had broken and there is yolk all over the rest of them. How should I go about cleaning this off?

Also, what do you think the odds are that our nasty stomach bug could have been caused by an unwashed egg contaminating our food? I made pancakes last week with a dirty one and we all found ourselves sick come Monday. Thoughts?
We usually wash of any eggs we don't like the looks of, with hot water. Most don't get washed.
I doubt you got sick from the eggs. Pancakes are cooked long enough to kill any bacteria.
If your going to eat the eggs scrub them with warm-hot water with a nail brush. And yeah when you cracked the egg for your pancakes a piece of poop or germs could have fallen into the batter mix. But chances are you got the stomach bug because you touched a doorknob some scurvy person touched and didn't wash your hands afterward or breathed the same air some sickie coughed or sneezed in. Now that it's spring time I breath all that pollen and it makes my sinus drain down my throat which upsets my stomach and gives me the runny grunties.
Firstly scrub or wipe off as much mess as you can, then place them in warm slightly diluted vinegar and water for 10-15 seconds to make them look pretty, and killing off anything nasty on the shell.

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