Cleaning a Disable Senior's house...Not allowed to use Chemicals-HELP!

You can also add salt to the baking soda to give it an extra scrubiness.

Lemon juice works well to polish copper...maybe brass, but not too sure. Dip the lemon half in salt and scrub.
my grandmother always had a spray bottle of distilled vinegar. and for scrubbing you can use salt too because its abrasive. Baking soda paste will clean metal surfaces, rinse and wipe down with the vinegar. And I agree to ask them, they might have some old time things they like to use.
Vinegar has good cleaning properties, but I have several people in my household who have a sensitivity to its smell and would die (not literally!) if I used it to clean with. If you choose to go the vinegar route, you had better check with the man you are cleaning house for first to make sure he doesn't have a problem with the vinegar smell.

I swear by this stuff. Their dishwasher detergent is the only environmentally friendly one I have come across that actually cleans as well as the nasty toxic ones.

I did try their hand soap and found that it dried my hands something terrible, but all their cleaning products are awesome.
ha vinegar here to and baking soda. dh is really picky about the smell of vinegar to sooo i add a bit a vanilla extract to it and it leaves a baking scent all over my house lol
Dr. Bronners Soap.
I. Could. Not. Live. Without. It.

I use it for everything and a little goes a LONG way. It might seem pricey for a bottle but it lasts for a very long time and lathers wonderfully.
Yummy all natural organic scents too. The lavender is a personal favorite, as well as the peppermint.
I have used this soap (pure castile) for everything. I kid you not. From doing dishes by hand and in the dishwasher (just a TINY bit in the dishwasher, like a matter of 4-6 DROPS), to laundry, to washing my hair, and bubble baths for the kids, washing pets, floors, cars, everything...
It is so gentle. I can only use it to wash my lab, who has serious skin allergies.
You can buy it Whole Foods, Stop and Shop, ANY organic or natural store, and online.
Yes! Twice a month, I scrub down my kitchen butcher block island with corse sea salt and half a lemon! LOVE IT!

I use a grapefruit and kosher salt to scrub the lime outta my bathtub.... Amazing

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