Cleaning Routine Brooder and Beyond

I use pine chips and clean it every 1-2 days. I was told NEVER to use kitty litter because it will blister their little feet and kill them. I put newspaper down under
the chips which make cleaning much easier. I was also told that cedar chips will kill the chicks. I change water and clean the feeder daily or more often if needed.
My chicks seem to be very healthy. I'm going to start taking them out for an hour or so next week (they'll be 2 weeks next Wed.) Our Okla. temps are very nice!

Just want to clarify I am NOT using kitty litter. I am using construction grade sand. Lots of folks due, just my preference after researching.
Sorry, I wasn't insinuating that you were. We had an acquaintance who told us that is what he used. We thought it might be a good idea and asked our sales person who raises chicks himself. He told us that there is a chemical that is used to make the cat waste clump and that's what is so deadly for the chicks. He lost 72 chicks!
I was just passing on info. I think sand is fine, too.
Sorry, I wasn't insinuating that you were. We had an acquaintance who told us that is what he used. We thought it might be a good idea and asked our sales person who raises chicks himself. He told us that there is a chemical that is used to make the cat waste clump and that's what is so deadly for the chicks. He lost 72 chicks!
I was just passing on info. I think sand is fine, too.

No worries I wanted to be sure I did not put bad info out there by accident...I can see someone using clumping kitty litter with disastrous results
We JUST switched over to sand today (after driving all over Reno looking for washed river or construction grade sand, never found it so settled for 50/50 mix of sandbox and all purpose with some sweet pdz tossed in) Our 1 1/2 week old chicks went CRAZY over it, dust bathing, flinging sand all over! The dust is bothersome but I'm hoping it'll settle down as our family room is becoming a dust bowl
I have six in a 50 gallon tub brooder with about 3 inches of pine shavings. I use a kitty litter scoop and scoop out poop every evening before bed, then I add more pine shavings. I clean the water dish morning, after work, and evening. They always get pine shavings in it and sometimes poop. So far they haven't pooped in the feeder so I just pick out the shavings and refill it when needed. I have been doing it this way for a week and they seem happy and healthy. The brooder is in the family room on the fireplace hearth and so far no odor. I have yet to do a complete dump and clean, but if it starts to smell I guess I will.
I have 6 chicks about 3 weeks old. My brooder is a 3 x 2.5 foot cardboard box. I have been using paper towel bedding two layers thick and I roll it up, toss it in my compost bin, and put a fresh double layer down once a day. I wash the waterer and give fresh water once a day. The feeder stays clean as I have it elevated on wooden blocks. I just fill it every day. I sprinkle a little some chick grit around.
I have eight pullets, 5 wks. old today. My brooder is about 2 1/2 ft. x 5 ft. I have been completely changing the wood shavings every 5-6 days. I clean the waterers (2) two or three times a day and refill the feeders at least once a day. This is all located in my utility rm. so I have a sink handy. I'm hoping to move them out to the coop in a wk. or so and will then have to keep a heat lamp on because it gets down to the 30's at night. It's been mid to high 50's during the day. I will let them get acquainted with my 2 older hens and 1 rooster through the wire mesh for at least a couple wks. before I let them "mix and mingle". I'm getting really anxious to get them out of the house!
We have 18 chicks right now, and clean the brooder every couple of days to keep the chicks from getting too interested in each others poo haha. I'm being kind of anal about it though...
Hmmm I have 14 chicks in a 3 x 6 brooder with about 4' of pine shaving. I have not changed the bedding yet. They are 2 weeks old but been in the brooder for 1 week tomorrow. I really dont see any poop on the surface. the chicks seem to keep it packed down and when i sprinkled a little food on the topthe other day they turned it over all by themselves. i was hoping to get 2 weeks, change to new shavings, another 2 weeks, then outside... maybe ill have to clean it more then i thought.

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