Clear, frothy discharge from cross bred chick?


Sad, but at least I have chickens
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 26, 2013
San Diego, United States
Hello everyone!

So here's the situation:

I have a black JGxSilkie cross. He is the larger of the two that I own. S/he is currently 4 weeks old and today, while out foraging with the other chicks, squirted - yes, squirted - a clear liquid from her/his vent. I went over to investigate and it looks like water - there is a light froth at the top. (Like sea water, where it has white foam) S/he shows no other signs of being sick.

The chicks are my starting flock of 5 unsexed chicks. Other than being rather jumpy today (they are becoming overcrowded in their brooder), everything seems fine. They are out and about as i type this, pecking at the grass and bits of hidden grumblies. They have access to fresh water as they forage as well.

Any idea as to what's going on with this chick? Should s/he be quarantined and be treated with anything?

Other than their daily foraging, they are fed purina medicated chicken feed and today were introduced to mangos.

EDIT: I looked around BYC and it says that, in msot cases, it is egg white and indicates probably egg laying but I know for a fact that they are far too young to be laying eggs!
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Hello everyone!

So here's the situation:

I have a black JGxSilkie cross. He is the larger of the two that I own. S/he is currently 4 weeks old and today, while out foraging with the other chicks, squirted - yes, squirted - a clear liquid from her/his vent. I went over to investigate and it looks like water - there is a light froth at the top. (Like sea water, where it has white foam) S/he shows no other signs of being sick.

The chicks are my starting flock of 5 unsexed chicks. Other than being rather jumpy today (they are becoming overcrowded in their brooder), everything seems fine. They are out and about as i type this, pecking at the grass and bits of hidden grumblies. They have access to fresh water as they forage as well.

Any idea as to what's going on with this chick? Should s/he be quarantined and be treated with anything?

Other than their daily foraging, they are fed purina medicated chicken feed and today were introduced to mangos.

EDIT: I looked around BYC and it says that, in msot cases, it is egg white and indicates probably egg laying but I know for a fact that they are far too young to be laying eggs!
I'm posting because I feel like I've seen this recently in my 2mo old chicks...and I want to know what it is.
Are yours crossbreds as well or are they pures?
Well, the one's I've seen do it are Black Sex Links and Production Reds. So I suppose they are technically crossbreeds, but come from the hatchery that way. My Buff Orpingtons might have done it, but I can't recall.

I do know that my Leghorn pullet was hanging out with me this morning while I was filling the feeders and pooed a completely clear, runny one with about 2 or 3 crumble-sizes pellets in it. I thought it was my house nozzle dripping, but it was from her...again, with a tiiiiny bit of food in it.

I don't know if it's the same thing, but I didn't get an answer when I posted about it a couple weeks ago.

From all the other birds mentioned, it's not every time, and I only see it occasionally, but it almost looks like human spit...but more of it.

Okay, now that I've grossed everyone out. lol.
It sounds like nearly the same thing. I didn't see any pellets or anything in mine but it was washed away with the hose before I could take a better look. My SilkiexJG aren't from the hatchery - can't say anything for their parents though. My chick was incubated and monitored by me after a class I partook in received the eggs to incubate. I lucked out and was able to take two of the hatched chicks home.

Additional details -- before this, I had noticed that my chicks all had runny, light brown poo. I didn't see any blood so, I believe it isn't cocchi. I blamed it on a lack of protein and that's when I started to take them out more often so they could forage. (Also heard that yogurt helps as well? Haven't tried it yet since they don't like anything else atm.)

Now I'm worried that it might be related to the RIRs I picked up from my feed store.

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