Clear, stinky liquid from swollen vent.

You are being so helpful right now. I just posted a new thread, would you mind reading?
The original post sounds like she may have prolapsed and perhaps also have a vent gleet infection going on. Prolapse can sometimes be associated with a dietary imbalance and as a result carrying too much fat around the abdominal area and vent which makes laying eggs progressively more difficult until they push too hard and part of the oviduct comes out with the egg.
What do you feed your hens including main feed and treats?
Hi! Still dealing with this however it is MUCH better. I cut all feathers around her vent and bathed in epsoms every other day just to clean her up. I gave her yogurt and acv water and smeared monostat all over her butt and a little in her vent. Swelling has gone down and very little discharge left.
Hi! Still dealing with this however it is MUCH better. I cut all feathers around her vent and bathed in epsoms every other day just to clean her up. I gave her yogurt and acv water and smeared monostat all over her butt and a little in her vent. Swelling has gone down and very little discharge left.
That's awesome. Thanksfor sharing
We feed Purina layena pellets and give cracked corn/scratch with meal worms for treats.
I'm glad your girl is doing better, the treatment seems to be having a positive effect in mine, their vents look better already. I'm so distraught to have caused one to die :( tough learning.
So I stopped that monostat and such to see and it’s still white mess coming out again. Took a little. I’m going to worm them out and I’ll feed her some monostat via food at the same time.

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