clear stringy poop

4 chicks 4 Kyra

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
My chick was fine this morning, three weeks old today, and has clear stringy poop. what is this I can tell, happy our chick is not feeling well but I don't know what happened. Any ideas?
Can someone please help me I'm panicking and desperate...there is no information anywhere on what is going on with my sweet chick Happy. Happy was completely fine yesterday, this morning I noticed he wasn't as alert and didn't jump up on me when I came to change their water and freshen their feed. Happy is very lethargic, appears really top heavy when standing still, is eating. The weird thing is the lack of energy and completely clear poop. I gave Happy mineral oil mixed with apple cider vinegar and rubbed around happys neck, I got Happy to poop two solid brown poops. I noticed Happy is getting a lot of new feathers on his/her chest, can it be this bothersome to Happy? We have another chick that was acting the exact same way a few days ago. They look like they've been poisoned or hit on the head or something but they haven't. The other weird thing is Happy doesn't really want to open his/her eyes except when eating. Could this be some strange illness? I read all the common illnesses and none of them fit the bill. I also feed them the medicated feed mixed with the organic feed and a small amount of scratch. I was told to rub some area to the left of Happys neck, I was told it would feel hard if impacted, and I haven't noticed anything hard except Happys breast bone. PLEASE HELP ME! I love all my chicks and I love little Happy sooo much, I can tell Happy is miserable and I could tell our other chick was miserable to but her poop wasn't as weird as Happys. They do both have white in their poop, is this not normal? Some of the chicks have lose brown poop as well? I know I'm feeding them everything they need, is there something I'm missing...I'm so worried.
Hes ok I took him to the vet and I'm giving him fluids and water and he's more alert and eating and socializing already! Thank goodness for Dr.Dickie in Rogue River Oregon!

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