Clicky the linky to see the chickies:)

We just cut holes in the boxes. We started with 1 box, then had to add another until finally we have 3. We cut matching holes, used duct tape to join the boxes at the "doors". I'll have hubby get a good pic when he gets home tonight. It is a real simple "design", but they LOVE it. The first "door" we made for them they were fighting to get through it. So when we added on, we gave them 2 doors:).
Thank you:)! No I don't
. I ordered silkies and the "Fry Pan Special". I can tell the silkies but none of the others:(.
The one I saw with stripes looks like my Danish Brown Leghorns. They were sooooo cute as chicks...chipmunk stripes down the back, and pretty eye-liner. They look a lot different now, but I still love them

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