Clipped beaks


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Sidney, OH
I went to pick up my Golden Comets today. Everything was going fine until I got home and realized they were missing the tips of their beaks. I did some research and they should be fine but I just feel so bad. I thought I was getting them from a reputable breeder!
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I got them from a farm that breeds and raises a lot of chickens, so I'm assuming they did it to prevent the birds from hurting each other. To me it just seems like they were too lazy to keep an eye on things, but I might be wrong. I'm still very new to chicken keeping but it just seems so unnecessary and cruel.
Hatcheries usually trim the beaks of high productions breeds that are intended for layer barns. They're less likely to pick at eachother in the cramped conditions. I've bought several red sex links with trimmed beaks and they do just fine. Your giving them a much better life than what they could of had...
I does not affect them in any way as long as it has been done right and to be honest you probably miss them more than they do!
No they are clipped when they are intensively reared or on farms, often to prevent them pecking each other but that is because they are always kept so close to each other that they don't really have anything else to peck. The choice is just the same as cutting the tail from a horse/dog/sheep/pig... it really isn't necessary in fact I would discourage you from the practice but that is just my personal opinion and although I can see the reasons why it is done, I do not approve of it because having their full beak I think makes life a lot easier for them in the long run. If you do decide to do it or have it done make sure it is done properly as cutting it wrong could impede the chick in eating, drinking and cleaning as well as many other things.

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