Clipping wings (baby ducks)

What about buffs?

Usually not, if you mean Buff Orpingtons. They're in the mediumweight class and typically can't get a lot of lift. Some strains are heavier than others, but even the lighter ones won't fly very high or far. Some of the ones I've had would flutter around a little, mostly if they were startled, but not enough to warrant wing clipping. All the ducks I have right now fly, and I don't even clip their wings.
I don't mean to be rude, but isn't it a bit selfish to do something like it. If they can fly, you will be taking away their choice to stay with you or find a better place. Mallards and other ducks have been known to come back for various reasons. By clipping its wings, you are taking away its right to vote with its feet. It is your duck, but just think about it. Dont worry, no matter how much you mess up, its still nothing compare to the factory farms.
You are absolutely right! I think we should stop holding our animals inside as well and let them roam free. Should they get hit by a car or get into someone else’s home they should have the right to do so. Stop spaying our animals and let them breed to their heart’s content. If they get sick and spread disease then that is just how it needs to be. LIVE FREE YOU ANIMALS!!!
I don't mean to be rude, but isn't it a bit selfish to do something like it. If they can fly, you will be taking away their choice to stay with you or find a better place. Mallards and other ducks have been known to come back for various reasons. By clipping its wings, you are taking away its right to vote with its feet. It is your duck, but just think about it. Dont worry, no matter how much you mess up, its still nothing compare to the factory farms.
You are absolutely right! I think we should stop holding our animals inside as well and let them roam free. Should they get hit by a car or get into someone else’s home they should have the right to do so. Stop spaying our animals and let them breed to their heart’s content. If they get sick and spread disease then that is just how it needs to be. LIVE FREE YOU ANIMALS!!!

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