clogged oil gland?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I have another hen (splash silkie 2 yrs old-always been healthy )whom I found two small scabs. one on each side of her oil gland,laterally. , and I picked them off and what I found inside was rotten stuff. It was hard and i pulled it out. I squeezed on them and it looked like some hard lard stuff came out. She was very unhappy so I know it hurt. Now there are 2 small holes there and am not sure I got it all. I will wait for tomorrow to treat her more. I am not really sure what it is or how to treat so am asking your advice on this one too. She is another older hen that I really dont want to lose. Thanks for reading and I hope you can give me some advice.
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Sounds infected.. maybe she was bitten/pecked and it got infected. You did right by getting the pus out. I'd definitely clean it out and put neosporin on it. Pictures might help!
Yeah this one looks like a bumblefot injury on her back. I will see what I can do for pictures. Thanks
Thanks Pickaduck. I just gave her a bath and I cleaned out the two holes and washed with saline solution and then put antibiotic ointment in them. She seems to be ok. I think she will get better.
I am going to get some probiotics for her tomorrow.

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