CLOSED - Coop Design Contest - Win a $20 Gift Certificate

I love watching people build their coops. We are just starting another one
Planning on a 40x8 coop and run open front coop. Bring on the chickies!
Okay, I think we've got all the submissions loaded and ready for the very very hard job of judging!

Please take a look at the following link and make sure your coop submission is listed and that everything looks good (and take a look at the other coops and let me know if there are any problems):

Great job everyone!
Nope. We manually have to enter them into the system so it is possible it was accidentally skipped.

If you coop isn't listed in the link above please simply let us know the post # in this thread (top right of each post) of where / when you submitted it to the contest.
I keep trying to post my coop design....I copy the URL from the top of my page and paste it in the reply but it doesn't come across as a link anyone can just click on it just copies it, not so computer friendly, other than the internet of course.

Thx Chickiemom1012:/

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