Closing the loop with BSFL

First, I think you are lying that you are from Chihuahua , Your English is too good and you are educated. Now for my second thought: I try to avoid feeding my chickens formula food and opt for natural feed. Grains, vegetable remains and such. I would defiantly give up eating chicken if the trend went to feeding them Black Soldier Fly Larvae. Many years ago in a communist European nation, they fed chickens with scraps from fish processing plants. The eggs as well as the chicken meat smelled like fish. This new feed would remind me of the smell of ??????? well you know. These great ideas kind of remind me of the movie SOILENT GREEN.
I agree, where you live has absolutely no bearing on your level of education. For example, I live in SC and work with people who have recently graduated from high school that couldn't speak correct English if their life depended on it. They also do not know how to give correct change for a $20 bill unless the cash register tells them. And beleive it or not, most school systems no longer teach students how to write in cursive!
I realize the chickens would not be exposed to the "manure" only the larva, after they self harvest. I will go out on a limb here and say that a lot of folks would find handling human feces in this manner would be a little unsettling.

I also wonder if disposing of human waste in this manner is even legal?? "They" certainly have all kinds of laws concerning sanitation....
I want to try BSFL this summer, I am going to use mine to consume leftovers after butchering, house hold scraps, eggs that don't hatch, chicks that die....... Things like that. I have also wondered if roadkill could be processed by BSFL. It seems to be such a waste to a wild animal's life....
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OK, I draw the line at eating the larva myself. I am sure I could collect the poop and feed it to the larva, then feed the larva to the chickens, WAY before I could eat the larva myself. My stomach thinks digesting larva is just wrong on so many levels. *****running to find a chair to hide under***** :)
and just for the record, I've eaten mealworms, crickets, grasshoppers. Once you get past your fear/yuk factor, it's not bad. Mealworms are the best, they have the texture of a Cheeto, which the taste of a pecan.

BSFL are rumored to taste good, I have never tried. I do know that they have a high fat content and can be used to make oils and biodiesel, with a protein byproduct.

you can buy cricket and mealworm flour, but it's expensive. But, added to cookies or bread or something like that, you wouldn't even notice you were eating them.
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