Clover Mites?


5 Years
Feb 22, 2019
Western WA
Hey guys,

I've been putting the finishing touches on my coop and I keep seeing these bright red teeny tiny bugs. They're like sweet and sour sauce colored. I did some googling and they might be clover mites? Are these a problem for chickens? I don't want to move my babies out to the coop tomorrow just to be infested with these mites. I read that they're not harmful to humans or pets, so hopefully no issue if it is clover mites. Does anyone know other bugs that they could be?

Also, there are a TON of spiders in my run, and some inside the coop. The ones outside have built a zillion webs between the coop roof and the hardware cloth ceiling. Tiny spiders. Maybe babies? Is this an issue? I don't think they're of the venomous variety. I'm secretly hoping them catch all the mosquitoes ;)
I like spiders... they catch other bugs.

Are the mites possibly just red mites? If so they come out and feed on chickens but don't live on them.... you've got me wondering what the red bugs I saw were that I presumed to be red roost mites! :pop
I don't think they're red poultry mites. Even the legs are red on mine. The poultry mites look brown. Mine are bright sweet and sour sauce red. And there's nothing for them to be feeding on in the coop/yard right now, so doesn't make sense for them to be there.
I like spiders... they catch other bugs.

Are the mites possibly just red mites? If so they come out and feed on chickens but don't live on them.... you've got me wondering what the red bugs I saw were that I presumed to be red roost mites! :pop

Here in western Washington we get these spider mites and clover mites that feed on plants and the bugs that plague certain plants. I've had them destroy tomato plants but the good news is they don't feed on animals/people- just plants and aphid eggs. They're creepy in that they're bright red!
Here in western Washington we get these spider mites and clover mites that feed on plants and the bugs that plague certain plants. I've had them destroy tomato plants but the good news is they don't feed on animals/people- just plants and aphid eggs. They're creepy in that they're bright red!
I think they're kinda neat, and if they're not gonna bother my babies I don't mind them. Awesome that they kill aphids. Too bad they essentially do what aphids do :gig

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