*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Vera studied Reynard as he slowly woke. The healer doe had leapt away from him the second he started moving. "You won't hurt anyone, will you fox?" Vera asked, "We're trying to save your life, so you better stay chill or you're going to die." The healer also added, "Stop moving. You will make it bleed more."

@Noah P
“No dead.” Laufen said. Her ears were pinned back as to not look aggressive.

“He was shot twice.” Laufen informed Veritas. “She hopped out of the thicket and sat in front of the chief doe. “I brought him over here, he said that he was in my debt- before he passed out.”

Laufen wondered what she meant by ‘war’. “Chief Veritas?” She said, staying still. “I- I tried to join your Warren a few months ago, remember? Laufen?” She sat up as straight as she could, hoping to possibly impress the chief doe, even though she was smaller than any rabbit but the kits. “I was actually coming today to see if you’d let me join your Warren. I can, um, help you with your ‘war’.”
Vera looked at the tiny doe with disgust. "Fett, take care of this pathetic creature, I have a fox to tend to." Vera said, scowling.

Fett nodded and motioned for the doe to follow him. He led her into the center of the burrows and away from the mob of excited rabbits and dying fox."I already turned you down once, loner." He growled, "Why come back? We don't take well to loners so even if you did join, you could never work your way up the pecking order here in the Burrows." He continued glaring at her but was secretly impressed with her confidence.

(He'll except her eventually but he still needs to be da tough bunno 🤣)
@Blue Raptor
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Rissa heard her chiefs call and hurried to see what was happening, when she got there she gasped, This couldn't be true,Vera wouldn't do this, would she? She knew the chief could be a bit harsh at times but there must be a reason for this. "What are you doing Vera?!" She yelled. "Why would you do this? I trusted you! And now you're standing her about to kill innocent rabbits! And you're asking me to help you do it!".
(Oh my gosh I meant to write boulder and it says boiler!!!! No, Vera does not plan on boiling them!! 🤣

Do you want to rephrase your reply?)
I'm sorry I missed so much. What happened?
Vera sent Twister to deliver a message saying she'll only return Caspian and Vetch If he gives he his loyalty and the Warren (he probably won't do it so that will give Vera a jumpstart on the war.)

Reynard was shot twice by a farmer and Vera is trying to save him cause she wants him as an Ally

The two loners and in the Thicket and Laufen is trying to be accepted

Caspian and Vetch are prisoners in the Thicket prison burrows

Belle and Roger are in the Warren

Freya is with Reynard

Fett is with Laufen

And there is a hawk watching everyone.

Rissa got left like five miles behind 🤣 just catch back up and pretend she's been here the whole time. I think that's all the characters, right?

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