*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Vera looked at the tiny doe with disgust. "Fett, take care of this pathetic creature, I have a fox to tend to." Vera said, scowling.
Laufen’s jaw clenched. Well then, she’s have to prove that she could be a good fighter. She’d already taken on a fox, after all. Grudgingly, she followed Fett.
Fett nodded and motioned for the doe to follow him. He led her into the center of the burrows and away from the mob of excited rabbits and dying fox."I already turned you down once, loner." He growled, "Why come back? We don't take well to loners so even if you did join, you could never work your way up the pecking order here in the Burrows." He continued glaring at her but was secretly impressed with her confidence.
(He'll except her eventually but he still needs to be da tough bunno 🤣)
@Blue Raptor
“My father Ashfur used to be a part of this Warren.” She said to Fett. “But he got kicked out when he chased after a Loner and had a kit with her. Me.” She looked away from his glare. “I don’t care if I’m at the top or the bottom. I just want to fight for something worthwhile instead of running around eating and hiding from predators. Hopefully Veritas will see that once I can prove myself.”
Belle spluttered. Someone captured Vetch. Unheard of. Vetch was her captain, her lady. She looked to Roger then to Twister. In a split second she leapt upon the new buck and threw him to the ground, pressing her paws against his throat. "We're almost even." She panted, shoving Twister into the ground harder, "But this will have to do. If there's going to be a war we might as well have one less bunny to fight." She took a shaky breath, her muscles tense holding Twister down, "Do you want him in the prison, Chief?" She asked in a strained voice.
Surprised, he said: "What?! Of course not! He hasn't done anything wrong".
Laufen’s jaw clenched. Well then, she’s have to prove that she could be a good fighter. She’d already taken on a fox, after all. Grudgingly, she followed Fett.

“My father Ashfur used to be a part of this Warren.” She said to Fett. “But he got kicked out when he chased after a Loner and had a kit with her. Me.” She looked away from his glare. “I don’t care if I’m at the top or the bottom. I just want to fight for something worthwhile instead of running around eating and hiding from predators. Hopefully Veritas will see that once I can prove myself.”
Fett hesitated. He remembered that name- Ashfur. They were once very close friends. He had been their the day Vera threw him out of the Burrows. This was his kit. "Alright. You can stay. But stay clear of Veritas and other doe's for a little while. For your safety. Like I said, we have a strong pecking order here in the Thicket."
Surprised, he said: "What?! Of course not! He hasn't done anything wrong".
"WHADDYA MEAN?! He's from the Thicket Burrows! If we want to save Vetch I'd much rather have one less rabbit to fight!" Belle said in an outrage. She loosened her hold on Twister, but not much, waiting for Roger's reply.

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Caspian flattened himself in a corner, his ears and nose twitching. CRACK. He heard panicked rabbits voices on the other side of the stump. "I- I'm not sure." He said, his eyes darting around the room in fear. His heart pounded in his chest. A few moments passed. Nothing happened. "I-... Vetch... Let's get our of here." Caspian whispered, hopping up to the sandy area. "Be careful that we don't break the crusted mud here. We'll be suffocated in an instant if all that sand breaks loose." He began digging.

“Let me start the tunnel, you know bucks don’t dig well, I’d worry you‘d kill us.” Vetch began to dig through the sand, carefully tunneling past the muddy areas. “ I’ve widened a tunnel big enough for the both of us, come help me dig. It should be safe now.”
They covered ground quickly, the sand crumbling smoothly underneath their paws. “As soon as we reach the surface, run as fast as you can towards the prairie, I doubt they chase us past our inner borders, too many scouts.”
She spat out some dirt. “Let’s hope the Thicket thistlewits are occupied. I think there may be a fox in the clearing, the smell is overpowering.” After a while of digging, small streaks of sunlight broke through the dirt. Vetch exhaled, readying herself to run,
”Are you ready Caspian?”
Rissa walked out of where she was hiding and up to Roger, "I'd like to join you if you'll let me, I don't trust Vera, all she wants is power and I saw how she's holding Fetch and Caspian hostage. I could even sneak in and try to get them out since she trusts me."

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