*Clovers and Cottontails* A Rabbit RP Part 2

Caspian darted away. The rushing sound of rabbits behind him dwindled away. But there was still one behind him. Fett. He dodged left and shot a glance to his right. Another rabbit appeared. Veritas. Caspian ran for his life. As he tripped over rocks and bramble he spotted a familiar boulder. He was on the edge of the Warren. Risking a look behind him again, he saw Veritas gaining. Then his foot caught on a root. It happened so fast he barely could blink. Veritas leapt upon him like a wolf. The crazed doe grabbed hold of his ears with razor claws, forcing him to the ground with incredible weight. Caspian yelped. He was done for.

Belle heard the rustles in the bushes. Their was a blur of fur and a cry. She bolted into the woods. Without thinking she body slammed Veritas three feet into the back of a tree. Caspian lay in front of her, shaking and whimpering.

Fett immediately went to check on Veritas. She had been knocked out. Vera came to in moments but had given Belle enough time to drag her prisoner into the Warren. She cursed under her breath and shot out of the wood and into the Prarie Warren.
Belle, Rissa said hopping up beside her, if the chief decides, I want to be the one to kill her, she has caused so much pain for so many rabbits and I want to avenge them all... *she said grimly*

I'm sorry if that sounds weird but that's how I imagine Rissa to feel.
Belle, Rissa said hopping up beside her, if the chief decides, I want to be the one to kill her, she has caused so much pain for so many rabbits and I want to avenge them all... *she said grimly*

I'm sorry if that sounds weird but that's how I imagine Rissa to feel.
Belle smirked, backing away from the enraged doe. "Well good golly, go right ahead! If you don't get killed first!" Veritas stopped at the border line, Fett stood to her right. "Where is your chief?" She snapped glaring at Caspian's limp figure. Belle moved her self between Vera and the helpless buck. "Bring me your chief!" Vera screamed at the doe's, not realizing one was her previous second rank doe.
Belle smirked, backing away from the enraged doe. "Well good golly, go right ahead! If you don't get killed first!" Veritas stopped at the border line, Fett stood to her right. "Where is your chief?" She snapped glaring at Caspian's limp figure. Belle moved her self between Vera and the helpless buck. "Bring me your chief!" Vera screamed at the doe's, not realizing one was her previous second rank doe.
Rissa turned and hopped about 10 bounds back as though she was going to go get Roger and then abruptly turn and using all her pent up anger sprinted as fast as she could charging at Vera at the last moment aiming her hind feet at Vera's head she slammed all her force into the evil doe. She heard a crunch as Vera was flung back 15 feet and rolled to a stop, Rissa knew that Vera had recognized her, she saw the shocked look of recognition in her eyes as Rissa came flying at her. Rissa walked over to where Vera lay and bent over and whispered in her ear "you won't hurt me or any rabbit ever again." Then she snapped her neck.

Yes, yes, very morbid but I thought it would be a fitting end for Chief Veritas.
At Fett’s call, Laufen whirled around and spotted the fleeing rabbits. She was small- but she was fast. She tore off the in direction of the felling doe and chased her over the river. Her adrenaline pumped in the excitement of the chase.

Laufen sensed that they had cheated the Prairie Warren border, and she was only a couple feet away from Vetch. She lunged at the fleeing doe and caught her footpaws. Both of their sprints cut short as Laufen brought them to the ground. As she sprawled in the grass, Laufen hoped that some stronger rabbits were close behind, Vetch was large compared to her.
Is anyone covering her or no?
Rissa turned and hopped about 10 bounds back as though she was going to go get Roger and then abruptly turn and using all her pent up anger sprinted as fast as she could charging at Vera at the last moment aiming her hind feet at Vera's head she slammed all her force into the evil doe. She heard a crunch as Vera was flung back 15 feet and rolled to a stop, Rissa knew that Vera had recognized her, she saw the shocked look of recognition in her eyes as Rissa came flying at her. Rissa walked over to where Vera lay and bent over and whispered in her ear "you won't hurt me or any rabbit ever again." Then she snapped her neck.

Yes, yes, very morbid but I thought it would be a fitting end for Chief Veritas.
(Well then. Does the rule: "*No killing others’ characters without that members’ permission." Sound familiar?

😂🤣 It's fine.)

Fett gasped. And gasped. And gasped again. Quickly thumping three times, he turned and dashed back to the Thicket, in too much shock to fight.

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