*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

" Sprout try to keep this quiet for now so we don't cause worry," Ludewig says
"Good idea." She glanced around at the rabbits curiously gathering around them. "You should probably get going." "Sprout, I told Nate and Rosemary but they should keep it quiet. And also please protect them and send Rosemary patients, she needs practice." Mirabelle said. Sprout gave her a mischievous look. "Will do."
"Good idea." She glanced around at the rabbits curiously gathering around them. "You should probably get going." "Sprout, I told Nate and Rosemary but they should keep it quiet. And also please protect them and send Rosemary patients, she needs practice." Mirabelle said. Sprout gave her a mischievous look. "Will do."
" Ok, it's all settled then, move swiftly and stay out of site, we don't know who or what is up there," Ludewig says while moving to the doe that watches the kit's

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