*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

Blaze stepped back from the confusion and and went a few feet back. He shouted at the top of his lungs in the most commanding manner possible “EVERYBODY FREEZE!!” “NOW!”
Mirabelle stopped, her paw crushing Alethea's throat. The guards lowered their heads to the ground seeing that they were greatly outmatched. Though they had called for back up, the rabbits were taking a while to get there. "What, Blaze?" Mirabelle growled, still strangling Alethea.

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Mirabelle stopped, her paw crushing Alethea's throat. The guards lowered their heads to the ground seeing that they were greatly outmatched. Though they had called for back up, the rabbits were taking a while to get there. "What, Blaze?" Mirabelle growled, still strangling Alethea.

“Back off.” ”Both of you.” He said firmly. “I don’t want to see innocent rabbits hurt when we don’t even know what we’re fighting about!”

”M’am” He said, adressing Alethea. “What is your name?”
“Back off.” ”Both of you.” He said firmly. “I don’t want to see innocent rabbits hurt when we don’t even know what we’re fighting about!”

”M’am” He said, adressing Alethea. “What is your name?”
More or the Warren rabbits arrived and heard all that was going on. Mirabelle let go of Alethea and skulked beside Ludewig. Alethea sat up and gasped for breath. Two of the patrol rabbits from the Warren helped her up and brought her over to the other rabbits from the Warren. After a few minutes of silence Alethea turned to them, glaring. "Which of you is the leader?" She asked, as she has not been notified of Ludewig's new position as chief rabbit and therefore did not recognize him.
" I am," Ludewig says.
"We far out match you now." Alethea said. "Surrender now, your on our territory." Some of the bucks moved to surround them. Though Ludewig was a big rabbit, there were too many of them to fight. "Take them to the hidden burrows, I don't want them in the Warren." Alethea said, hopping away. Jango, her second in command rabbit, moved towards Ludewig. The other bucks closed in around Mirabelle, George, and Blaze. "Please don't fight." Jango said to Ludewig. "It would be unfortunate if something... happened to any of you."
~ Form ~

Name: Jango
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Mate: None but Alethea and him are an item
Colony: Prairie Warren
Rank: Second Ranking
Physical Description: Black; Grey; Brown
Other: Hugemungous

" I will," Ludewig says

Pablo sees Ludewig. He knows him, he visited their colony before, he and his father said that
they traveled a lot. He pats his foot to see if Ludewig still remembers their code from when they were kids.

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