*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

Pablo comes out of the little area and keeps talking to his guards.

" Ok, Guys let's go, Marabella I'veasked Pablo to stay with you, He's able to charm any girl so just be careful, you can probably tell by the laughing," He says.
Mirabelle looked back and forth as Ludewig and the others began to leave. She wanted to yell at him but she knew it was probably right. Alethea came beside her. "So, if your finished trying to kill me, can I trust you to stay in our Warrens prison burrows or do I have to keep you here?" "It's fine, I won't hurt anyone." She responded looking distastefully at Pablo. Alethea said, "Jango please escort Mirabelle and Pablo to the prison burrow in the Warren."Jango nodded and looked at Pablo. Mirabelle began to hop towards the exit. "Coming, screamer?" Jango asked.
" First of all, Ludewig can hear you, and we are good friends," He says " Oh can I say by reed, My lovely guard first," He asks

( reed is a random name.)
"We are leaving, screamer, and there's nothing you or Ludewig can do about it. Reed, quit flirting!" Jango ordered, grabbing Pablo by the ear and dragging him toward the exit.
" Bye my reed, I will see you again," He screams dramatically
"Shut up! Why do you scream so much??" Jango complained, glaring at Reed. He met Mirabelle and Alethea at the top of the burrow. They quickly made their way into the Warren and put the rabbits in a deep burrow, being guarded by four bucks. Mirabelle turned her back on Pablo and tried to fall asleep.

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