*Clovers and Cottontails* A Wild Rabbit RP

Nate and Jack led the 6 rabbits to the field they had found. "Let's get to inspecting." Alethea ordered. She glances at Moon Mist. "Especially you, Moon. Your the smallest and will be able to see anything abnormal easily. Lilac and June? You guys take that direction." Alethea pointed to the right. "Nate and Jack, I want you guys over there." She pointed to the far left. "And Moon Mist, you come with me. I don't want anyone getting hurt so BE CAREFUL. Check for fox dens and snakes. And most importantly STAY TOGETHER." She turned and hopped off, hoping that Moon Mist was following her.

(There you go @Animal_Lover4444. And if any of you need to control Nate or Rosemary, go ahead.)
Alethea awoke to light shining into her borrow. She leapt out and began to check the other holes, making sure that everyone was there. They were. She sighed with relief and slowly shook Nate awake.

(Would someone like to take Nate over? I have 3 rabbits on the adventure and its a little hard ;))
Moon Mist, who had slept outside under the stars, saw Alethea jump out, and hopped over to her.
Moon Mist, who had slept outside under the stars, saw Alethea jump out, and hopped over to her.
Nate and Jack led the 6 rabbits to the field they had found. "Let's get to inspecting." Alethea ordered. She glances at Moon Mist. "Especially you, Moon. Your the smallest and will be able to see anything abnormal easily. Lilac and June? You guys take that direction." Alethea pointed to the right. "Nate and Jack, I want you guys over there." She pointed to the far left. "And Moon Mist, you come with me. I don't want anyone getting hurt so BE CAREFUL. Check for fox dens and snakes. And most importantly STAY TOGETHER." She turned and hopped off, hoping that Moon Mist was following her.

(There you go @Animal_Lover4444. And if any of you need to control Nate or Rosemary, go ahead.)
Nate and Jack led the 6 rabbits to the field they had found. "Let's get to inspecting." Alethea ordered. She glances at Moon Mist. "Especially you, Moon. Your the smallest and will be able to see anything abnormal easily. Lilac and June? You guys take that direction." Alethea pointed to the right. "Nate and Jack, I want you guys over there." She pointed to the far left. "And Moon Mist, you come with me. I don't want anyone getting hurt so BE CAREFUL. Check for fox dens and snakes. And most importantly STAY TOGETHER." She turned and hopped off, hoping that Moon Mist was following her.

(There you go @Animal_Lover4444. And if any of you need to control Nate or Rosemary, go ahead.)
Moon Mist followed behind Alethea.
Nate and Jack led the 6 rabbits to the field they had found. "Let's get to inspecting." Alethea ordered. She glances at Moon Mist. "Especially you, Moon. Your the smallest and will be able to see anything abnormal easily. Lilac and June? You guys take that direction." Alethea pointed to the right. "Nate and Jack, I want you guys over there." She pointed to the far left. "And Moon Mist, you come with me. I don't want anyone getting hurt so BE CAREFUL. Check for fox dens and snakes. And most importantly STAY TOGETHER." She turned and hopped off, hoping that Moon Mist was following her.

(There you go @Animal_Lover4444. And if any of you need to control Nate or Rosemary, go ahead.)
"Okay," Lilac replied. She nodded to June and hopped over in the direction they were told to inspect.

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